Isn't nature interesting. I sat on the deck reading for about 2 hours the other day, all the while keeping an eye on a spider as it built a web. It was neat to watch, and some of the questions I had about how they did certain things with the web are now answered. The next day, I took a photo of the spider sitting on the tomato post. Check this thing out. It's back looks like a face. How cool is that.
And I guess all that rain we finally got brought these to the yard. (Are these mushrooms or toadstools?) There's a nice trail going from my yard right up into the neighbor's. Never had mushrooms growing in the yard before.
Here is my first full-size tomato. It came off the container plant. Don't know why it split a bit at the top like that, but it was still good. Used it on the hubby's sandwiches.And every morning, with the exception of the day after mowing, my yard is filled in spots with morning glories. There are white ones, purple ones and every shade of blue. In all that, this is my favorite one. I have yet to find another vine with this combination on it. This has been moved to a spot near my deck in the hopes it will grow up the post.
Isn't it nice to just sit and check out what is all around you ... I did that this afternoon and thoroughly enjoyed myself, but then the temperatures and humidity have dropped, so it's a perfect day.
I've heard more folks comment on their tomatoes doing that ... mine are all gone, unfortunately. :o(
Beautiful morning glory.
Yeah, I don't know what causes that with the tomatoes. It was still OK, just had to cut the top off. Funny thing is, it didn't do that until we had all that rain.
The temps here were right around 70 today with a small breeze. Felt so good.
I think the tomatoes do that when they get a growth spurt due to more water than usual.
Isn't a camera great for helping you pay attention to nature!
Beautiful morning glory! Save me some seeds, if you can.
The tomato looks like a great piece of artwork.I gotta say the tomatoes here are not like those nc tomatoes(especially the homegrown ones).
As far as the mushrooms growing in your yard it looks like you may have some faries floating around there.The collection is called a fairy ring.I went camping this past weekend next to Yosemite natl.park here and went to a gathering where a workshop welomed the faries and elves.Maybe some of them are visiting you in nc.
Vicki - That makes sense. The tomato did that when we got all that rain from Fay. And I'd love to save some seeds if you tell me how to get them. I just pull up the vines and move them.
Richard - Fairies huh? That explains why Muffin has been running around the yard chasing things I can't see. :)
Well, I looked it up online and I now know how to get seeds from my morning glories. I'm going to be a seed harvesting fool. ;-)
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