Friday, November 21, 2008

And Yet More Snow!!!

We have a bit over two inches of snow on the ground right now. I think I mentioned earlier in the week how much I love snow. If I didn't...well, I really LOVE snow. :-)

The cat I have taken to calling Drifter on the other hand doesn't look too happy about this whole snow thing. (BTW: She's letting me get a bit closer, but still not quite close enough to touch.)

And my neighbor's cat Tango doesn't look too thrilled either. Note the scratch on his nose. He and Drifter tend to get into fights that I have to go out and stop, and his nose is the spot that usually takes the brunt of it. (The fights are getting fewer. Maybe they're finally getting used to each other.)

The yard is covered...

The driveway is covered...

And since the cover to my swing was destroyed by high winds a couple months ago, the swing is covered as well.

I still love snow......


Vicki Lane said...

I love the picture of Tango. Cats seem to take snow as a personal affront. This morning Eddie tried the doors, one after another, looking for the one that led into a non-snowy outside. (Robert Heinlein used this observation in titling a novel THE DOOR INTO SUMMER.)

Susan M. Bell said...

I was telling Chris about your Eddie checking the doors and he immediately thought of "The Door Into Summer." He's a fan. I think that would make a good title for a poem as well...HMMMM.