Tuesday, August 17, 2010

An Evening At Lake Wobegon Part I

Well, I didn't get to meet the man, but I made it to the show, and that's good enough for me. I got a few pictures...from a distance mind you, but  reminders of the night none-the-less. Actually, I didn't take a whole lot of pictures in the end. I was too busy enjoying the show itself.    :-)

Brought my Troll Doll with me for company. This was taken from my original seat. I ended up switching with someone whose wife really needed the end seat. I moved to the third seat in, which was fine. Sat next to another Minnesota native. Cool. 

The sign I made for the back window of the truck.

Had one of these in each back side window. 

Took this video just to show the venue. The people on the lawn ended up getting rained on for a bit, but no one seemed to mind, and it really didn't last long. 

That's the start of it all anyway. Tune in for Part II tomorrow.   :-)


Vicki Lane said...

I love your enthusiasm!

Pip said...

You sure enjoy life! We can't wait to see Part II.