Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Vicki Lane has given me my very first blog award. I'm doing the Snoopy Happy Dance here. Thanks Vicki.

Now, I have to pass it along to five deserving blogs. That's a hard thing in a way. I'm always surfing around and finding new blogs to read. There are so many good ones out there. But, here are five I feel deserve this little honor. (Just right-click and copy the picture of the award for your sites, then pass it along to five you think deserve it as well.)

First there is my friend Stephanie over at Blogging My Way to a Better Life. Steph is a member of my writers' group, and the first client of my new pet sitting business. (I ADORE her dogs.) She's a great writer and definitely a major sports fan. (Go Steelers!) :0)

Katey Schultz is another local writer. She is also one of the organizers of the Carolina Mountains Literary Festival which takes place in Burnsville, NC, as well as the Eve's Night Out monthly open-mic poetry event. She is currently working on a book about Western North Carolina's swinging footbridges. Check out her blog, The Writing Life.

The CUPZ by Watie in Malaysia is all about cupcakes. Yep, an entire blog about cupcakes. She's a baker and decorates those wonderful little cakes for different occasions. I love checking out her blog. The photos of beautifully decorated cupcakes are enough to make your mouth water. YUM!

Over at Frugal Family Recipes...What's for Dinner Tonight?, Michelle Jones of Atlanta has put together a great blog of home cooked recipes geared toward the very busy cook with very little time. (That's most of us, isn't it?) I'm a huge recipe addict, and this site is one way I "feed the need" without stacking up even more cookbooks in my house.

And last, but most definitely not least, is Angie Bailey over at Eclectic Catladyland. I love this blog. Maybe it's because we're both "crazy" cat ladies, or the fact she's from the Twin Cities (I was born in St. Paul), or because according to her profile we're the same age...wow, now that I look at all the similarities, it seems kind of creepy. ;-)

Check out these great blogs when you get a chance.


Angie, Catladyland said...

Wow -- Thanks, Susan!! I will do this as well this week. I'm glad to be your creepy, catlady Blogspot pal :) I will also check out the other blogs nominated!

Unknown said...

Thank you Susan, how SWEET of you!!! Good luck with your writing, keep at it! :o)

Angie, Catladyland said...

My blog was given a Sisterhood Award and I have decided to pass it along to you as well! You can go to my blog to check it out: