Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Things to Do

Ah, Tuesday. The week isn't even half over, but at least it's not Monday. Woke up two-and-a-half hours before the alarm was set to go off, and couldn't go back to sleep. Oh well. The morning/early afternoon is filled with a med appointment for the hubs and pet sitting for Jack the Parkway cat, a wonderfully delightful client I must say, then it's back home for.....a nap. Yes, I see a nap in my near future.

Google here has the right idea. But then, he is a cat after all.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I know the feeling of waking too early! Cute cat :)

Susan M. Bell said...

Thanks. That's my Google, or Da Goog as we call him. He'll answer to just about anything I think. And I swear he laid there and slept like that for a good 15 minutes or more before stretching and curling up.

Vicki Lane said...

Miss Susie Hutchins has been sleeping that way in this hot weather.

Susan M. Bell said...

Maybe it's a way to get rid of some of that excess heat. Or they're just full of drama and trying to show how the heat is making them swoon and pass out. :)